Circulus in wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen
Aebi, M., Weingart, J., Scherrer, M. (2024). Agent-based model for assessing the sustainability of different circular economy supply chain designs of a Swiss household appliance manufacturer. 31st International Annual EurOMA Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Weingart, J., Aebi, M., Scherrer, M. (2024). Predicting timing and magnitude of reverse flows of circular household appliances through an agent-based model. 31st International Annual EurOMA Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Weingart, J., Aebi, M., Scherrer, M. (2024). Predicting timing and magnitude of reverse flows of circular household appliances through an agent-based model. 31st International Annual EurOMA Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Circulus in Beiträgen für die Öffentlichkeit
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Der Grundlagenartikel, der gemäss der Innosuisse das Verständnis von Kreislaufwirtschaft definiert:
Geissdoerfer, M., Pieroni, M. P., Pigosso, D. C., & Soufani, K. (2020). Circular business models: A review. Journal of cleaner production, 277
Geissdoerfer, M., Pieroni, M. P., Pigosso, D. C., & Soufani, K. (2020). Circular business models: A review. Journal of cleaner production, 277